- ONOS(Open Network Operating System)
- A distributed SDN controller.
- OpenDaylight
- Mininet
- Mininet creates a realistic virtual network, running real kernel, switch and application code, on a single machine (VM, cloud or native), in seconds, with a single command.
- loxigen
- OpenVirteX
- OpenVirteX(OVX) is a network hypervisor that can create multiple virtual and programmable networks on top of a single physical infrastructure.
Distributed System
- Hazelcast
- Atomix
- A reactive java framework for building fault-tolerance distributed system
- Zookeeper
- etcd
- etcd is a distributed key-value store that provides a reliable way to store data across a cluster of machines.
- CoreOS
- CoreOS is open source lightweight operating system based on the Linux kernel and designed for providing infrastructure to clustered deployments, while focusing on automation, ease of application deployment, security, reliability and scalability.
- Graphite
- Prometheus
- OpenTSDB
- BlueFlood
- cAdvisor
- cAdvisor (Container Advisor) provides container users an understanding of the resource usage and performance characteristics of their running containers. It is a running daemon that collects, aggregates, processes, and exports information about running containers.
- netdata
- netdata is a system for distributed real-time performance, health monitoring, and visualization.
- OpenConfig
- gNMI
- scapy
- Docker
- OpenBTS
- Karaf
- Kafka
- OpenStack
- Mesos
- gRPC
- Ceph
- Project Calico
- RIFT.IO(RIFT.ware)
- Vizceral
- uftrace
- OpenWhisk
- OpenFaas
- - VPP
- Cilium
- Skydive-project
- Seesaw